Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wild Kingdom

Ok, not really, but I felt like we were living in a wild kingdom the other day. When I grew up, it was common place to see all kinds of animals but in our neighborhood now, not so much. So when I heard Hayden making all kinds of squeeling noises while standing at the window looking out at the front yard I went over and checked it out. This picture does no justice of course because I am not a photographer and because you just can't see it good enough, and because I think I forgot to have the flash on. But needless to say she was looking and pointing out the window at I swear must have been at least 200 black birds.

It was a really hot day and Brian had turned the sprinkler system on and as soon as he did, hundreds of birds flocked to our yard and driveway. They were splashing in the water and laying in it. I have never seen such before and honestly I don't like birds at all - frankly they scare me, but I felt really sorry for them that day. I can't imagine how hot they were. Just amazing. Some had flown to another area of the yard when I snapped this, but you get the picture.

And a few minutes later (once the birds had flown off) we walked outside and low and behold there were cows out back! Hayden especially loved this and I had my camera, again not a photographer, but I wanted to share!

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