It's not that we have been super busy or jet-setting around the globe, nothing fantastic like that - I just haven't felt like sitting here and typing. It has been over two months since Hayden's birthday party, which was my past post and we have done lots of things, but I won't bore you with all our everyday adventures. But I would like to mention that early in the summer we did head down south to the beach with most of my family and we had a great time, some pictures are included.
I have been loving summer tv programs, almost more than the Fall which means at night, after Hayden has been tucked in bed, I would rather watch Covert Affairs, Rookie Blue, Expedition Impossible, or the Bachelorette than type. I have also been reading books, lots of books and I am so pleased to tell you that Brian has taken up reading too, it fills my heart with joy when Brian and I are both in bed with our table lights on reading separate books - together! Brian thinks I am such a dork, but I have dreamed of this since we got married, here's to answered prayers.
Hayden is starting preschool, technically it is Mother's Morning Out, but for her sake we are calling it school. And I couldn't be more excited and happy for her. I think after the initial adjustment period she is going to love it! She needs this quality time with other children her age and the time away from the house to learn and thrive. I can't wait to share with you everything she learns. On and we are in the throws of potty training - ugh! I knew I wouldn't enjoy this part of motherhood and I was right - not fun for me. But on the bright side, Hayden loves it and is doing really, really well with it.
Lots of things coming in the future and I can't wait to share them all with you, if anyone is still out there in cyber world after my break.
I hope you enjoy some of our beach pictures.
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