Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter 2010

I wanted to take a quick picture of Hayden and Daddy on our way to Gram and Pap's for our Easter egg hunt and Lesley's birthday dinner.

Fun little family shot - Hayden's new face for pictures!

She had a great time playing with Reagan while visiting at Gram and Pap's house.

Hayden and her Gram - can't wait to watch this relationship, Hayden is in love!

Here is Hayden's loot from the Easter bunny. She did pretty well I must say, especially for her very first Easter!

She was trying to figure out if she could eat this, pretty much all she does with everything she gets her hands on these days - will it ever end???

Hayden's new face - every time I say "smile" she does this, too cute!

Here's Hayden playing with her new tweety bird from Nan and Papa, aunt Jennifer in the background! Wish now, that I had gotten more photos with Nan, Papa, and Aunt Jennifer. She had a fabulous time the whole weekend and we just love having people over, Hayden enjoyed showing off all afternoon!

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