Friday, September 10, 2010


Let's just say that when I found out I was pregnant with a little girl, images starting flashing in my head of all the fun we were going to have frolicking in the grass, running down the beach, and shopping together. I pictured my beautiful daughter outside in her little smocked dress walking around barefoot with ribbons in her hair and the two of us picking flowers!!

Not once did I envision sitting in the dirt getting filthy dirty or playing with rocks! Not once did I think my little girl would LOVE to pick up handfuls of dirt and dump them all in her hair, not once did I think she would enjoy sitting in a big pile of rocks with dirt rubbed all over her face. But these times are fun and I just can't help but laugh at how much fun she is having. I wouldn't change a thing, well except for maybe her picking up the rocks and throwing them right at my head. We are working on that one, especially since she is NOT suppose to throw rocks and my little spankings do not seem to be working.

These pictures really don't show it all that good, but here is what Hayden has looked like the last couple of times we have gone to play outside. You can click the picture to make it bigger and literally see the dirt all over her little feet and legs.

1 comment:

  1. That's my Reagan. She'll pick a dirt hill over a dress any day of the week. Hayden is adorable...dirt and all.
