Monday, February 1, 2010

Long Blogging Vacation

So sorry it has been weeks and weeks without so much as a peep out of me, but these have been extremely busy times for me and I am happy to say that my huge conference for work has passed and I survived!
Our family had a wonderful Christmas and New Year this year with Hayden and I find myself day dreaming from time to time about years to come and how much we have to look forward to! Hopefully I can post a few pictures soon, but most of you have seen them on my facebook page.

I just got back home and back in the office after being gone for conference for 5 LONG and HARD days away. I used to enjoy traveling for work and getting some time out of the office, but I have to say when you have a little one at home traveling is no longer fun, it is heartbreaking. I spent every waking moment thinking about her and wishing I were home, or at least in the same area code. I wanted to be able to rock her to sleep every night and see her smiling face each morning - now I am back home and get to enjoy these little moments. If I can remember soon I will take my camera into her room when she wakes up first thing in the morning to capture her smiling face. She wakes up in the best little mood after a long night's sleep. I can assure you she did not get this from her mommy. I usually don't wake up in an ill mood by any means, but I am never happy and embracing the day, although I definately should rise and shine each morning thanking God for another day alive, but this is not the first thing that comes to mind each day, maybe I should start working on that now.

Now that January has passed and today is the first day of February, to me it is the coldest and most boring month of the year, I will officially start my new work-out program! I have lost all of my baby weight :) - but when I got pregnant I was 10 pounds heavier than I was on my wedding day, so that is my goal. How you ask did I gain 10 pounds in only 6 months? Well if you were married to my wonderful hubby you would have gained all this if not more as well!

I will keep you all posted on my progress and hopefully will be out of the current size pants and into my size 6's in now time (my old size 2 and 4 would really be pushing it, so no need to ever think that will happen again). Brian and I are taking a much needed anniversary trip this year to Puerto Rico and I would love to be in a swim suit by then, so I have until the first of June to get it off, definately doable!! And for the record I can get in to a swim suit now, even my old one, it is just not a pretty sight and I would hate to do that to anyone on the beach.

I can say this about my weight and body image. Now that I have had a child, weight isn't as big of a concern to me as it was before. I certainly have extra weight in the tummy area and around my hips and even have some very small stretch marks on my hips, but everything I have I wear with pride, because to me having Hayden here now is the most amazing thing ever and totally worth everything my body went through to get her here.

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