Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I am a Mother, really? It is so hard for me to believe that I am already a Mother, I mean I know I am 30 years old (will be 31 in a few months), but in my mind (not my body) I still feel like a 21 year old kid. I still roll out of bed, half expecting to look out my window and be back in Auburn, throw on some work-out clothes and walk to class or catch a baseball game on a beautiful Spring afternoon - where did the time go? As good as those days were, they don't hold a candle to my life now. I am a Mom and I couldn't ask for anything better in the entire world.

Being a Mother brings with it new worries and fears that I never knew were possible. I worry about Hayden all the time, when I am not with her she is ALWAYS on my mind. She consumes my thoughts, my prayers, and I want nothing more than to keep her safe and happy all the days of her life! I want to shelter her from some of the heartbreak that I know she will experience in life, most of these will be learning experinces and most are a necessary rite of passage. But being a girl is hard - girls are mean, boys are mean, the world is a mean place! But this is how we grow up, this is how we learn, so I know I can't shelter her from these events. But these are just a few of my worries. I am sure everyone that is a Mom, has had these fears at one time or another.

My very 1st Mother's Day was amazing! I couldn't have asked for a better day - Brian had a dozen roses delivered along with a dozen chocolate covered strawberries (seriously these were for Brian again). See the picture - aren't they beautiful??

Brian and Hayden took me out to lunch and we came back home and played and Brian set up her new playroom. It was so much fun - Hayden loves her new room and as soon as she woke up this morning she was off to her new playroom to play with her toys. These are the same toys that she didn't really want to play with all that much when they were in the den, but now that they are in her new room, they must feel like new toys. I know this will wear off in a day or so, but right now it is so much fun.

Happy Mother's Day out there to everyone who is a Mother, who dreams of being a Mother, or who still has their Mom here on earth. I couldn't ask for a better Mother myself. My Mother is amazing and has showed me how to love and how to hold back. Looking back I bet there were so many times when she wanted to grab me and be like really? Are you really about to do that? Are you really going to go out with that guy, again? But she didn't, she let me make my own mistakes and make them I did. But she was always there waiting for me on the other side. She really did know best - I suppose one day Hayden won't think I know what she is going through either, but I hope I have the restraint to let her make her own mistakes, just as my Mother did.

Here is Hayden at lunch, we love dining outside!!!


  1. Precious post! I agree with all the worries, fears, prayers, and joys. Motherhood is amazing.

  2. Being a mom is the best!And way to go Brian!
