Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hayden and Daddy

I don't really have much to say in this post, but would love to show you a few cute pictures from the last few days! I had to leave Sunday right after church to head to Mobile for the night, so Brian and I were in separate cars at church. He had Hadyen with him for that reason and because I had to keep nursery that morning and had to be there almost an hour before church started. He brought Hayden to nursery a little bit later so I could help before she arrived. When church was over, I got in my car and watched Brian and Hayden walk towards his truck, to me this was the sweetest picture so I stopped in the middle of the parking lot and grabbed my camera and zoomed in - I love Father/Daughter pictures!!

We have been working on her playroom the last week or so and Hayden loves to play in there. I had Hayden and we were playing, Brian was outside grilling shrimp and he walked over to the window to take a peek in, Hayden loved it and started tapping on the window at him and trying to climb out, too precious, as you can see! This child loves her Daddy.

Daddy bought Hayden a little play outfit during one of his father/daughter trips to Bass Pro Shops so I put her in it and started snapping fun pictures, I told you she was ready for the summer and the beach :)


  1. Lindsay --- that first picture is so SWEET! I love how girls love their dads! :)

  2. Gracen is getting quite fond her daddy too. I just took a picture of them walking down our brick walkway by the front porch on Saturday. It looks just like your picture. I haven't posted it yet, but will soon. I think it is precious to see them walking and holding hands like that.

  3. So sweet! I think someone had her daddy wrapped around her finger!

  4. i have a daddy's girl too!!!...since the moment she was born :)....precious pics...
