Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My oldest sister "tagged" me in a blog post she wrote last week - actually one she was "tagged" in. There are 8 questions I am suppose to answer and then ask others to answer 8 questions of my own. I am not going to ask my own questions, only because there are only a few of my blog friends that read my blog. Most everyone that reads my posts do not have blogs of their own they just read mine on a daily basis. And speaking of, I am so sorry for not blogging more, but if you can remember this is my busy time of year which leaves very little time for me to get on here. I do have so much to say and write and lots of pictures so hopefully I can get these out there soon.

Now on to the questions from Lori:

What is your favorite TV Show?

I have so many favorites and this is a different post that I hope to write very soon, but my favorite show right now is The Good Wife - it is awesome!

What bible story totally rocks your world every time you read or study it?

My all time favorite bible story is one of the most well known ones there is for many reasons. I have a lot of favorites, but the birth of baby Jesus gives me chills everytime I read it or hear it. All of the miracles surrounding his birth are amazing from his conception, to following the North Star, to being born in a manger. This story is amazing! It also brings back sweet memories from my childhood when my Mom and Dad always read this story each and every Christmas Eve before we went to bed. This is one tradition that I would like to pass on to my children.

Where all have you travelled?

I haven't traveled to many places, but I do love to travel. I have been to Mexico, Jamaica, Las Vegas, Baltimore, Indianapolis, NYC (many times), Washington DC (many times), Chicago, heading to Minneapolis in a couple of weeks and back to another part of Mexico next month. Have been to many other places, too many to list that were within driving distance. A few that come to mind, Orlando, Charlotte, Atlanta, New Orleans, Biloxi, Nashville, Gatlinburg, Knoxville, Chattanooga, etc.

How many rings do you wear on your fingers?

Three - a Tiffany band on my right hand and my wedding band and engagement ring on my left

What are your plans this weekend?

I think Friday night we are going to go out to eat at Bass Pro (one of our favorite family places). Saturday we are going to play around the house that morning and then we are going to the Alabama National Fair in Montgomery late that afternoon with Hayden. Sunday we will go to church that morning and then hang out around the house and I am sure go to the grocery store!

What did you have for dinner last night?

I made homemade Chicken Pot Pie - one of Brian's favorite meals and usually Hayden's but last night she wouldn't even touch it. She just cried the whole time and ate nothing but cheese. Oh the joys...

If you are married, how did you meet your spouse? Was it love at first sight, or did y'all, you know "grow" to love one another?

Brian and I met when we were 21 years old while we were both out with friends. I can say that it was instant attraction to one another, but not love at first sight because we didn't actually start dating until about 7 years later. But that's about how long it takes me...

I remember falling for his eyes and he was so nice! I didn't know what nice was back then and I needed someone to Not be so nice (crazy I know), but let's just say I had some issues. We met back up several years later (he was with his same group of friends) and I went up to him and gave him my phone number and told him to call me. I was determined not to make the same mistakes again and we have been together ever since.

What is something you want done around your house right now?

Wow - I want so many things done around the house, but number one on my list is to have a hearth built for our fireplace. It drives me insane that we don't have one and I think our fireplace looks weird without it.

Thanks a million for tagging me in these - I just love doing these kinds of things. My friends and I use to do these via e-mail all the time! So much fun.

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